Royal Holloway - Find Your Why


Royal Holloway University was founded by philanthropist Thomas Holloway as the first university to offer higher education to female students, and with notable alumni including Emily Davidson, the university has always led the way for social change.

We also discovered that the university had more extra-curricular volunteering projects and societies per student than any other in the UK. So, students come to Royal Holloway for more than just a degree - they are discovering and developing their sense of purpose, and this strong sense of purpose is what the Royal Holloway and its audience share.

Inspired by the quote - 'the two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why,' our content campaign invites prospective students to find their 'Why', at Royal Holloway.


Showcasing the enriching and diverse experience that students, past and present have gained - above and beyond their degree at Royal Holloway, we demonstrate that it's not just about the qualifications at Royal Holloway, but about inspiring students to find their Why.

Using programmatic creative, we were able to target the most compelling messages to our different target audiences of parents, undergraduate students and postgraduate students.


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