In bed with Piglet


Piglet in Bed - a luxury bedding, loungewear and homeware company - wanted to create a new brand position which spoke of their desire to do things better. 

Inspired by nature, natural fabrics and their spirited founder, we oversaw a complete brand refresh which showcases Piglet in Bed’s warm, authentic heart and the humble origins which took their designs from a garden shed in Sussex to homes across the country and around the world.


We created a playful yet elegant brand look which they rolled out on their website, socials, packaging, print and stationary — they even put their new look on some cosy hoodies for the whole Piglet in Bed family to wear.

We then established their first, official tone of voice to keep anyone writing for Piglet in Bed in character.


And developed a brand platform which will help an ever-expanding brand keep its warm heart.


Made for living encourages people to quit plumping fluffing and fussing and, instead, take a relaxed approach to curating their home. That way, they can spend more time on the best bit — living!


Christmas gave us the perfect opportunity to launch this with a campaign which encouraged customers to have and host the best Christmas yet.


This rolled out across digital and social platforms, extolling the luxurious virtues and comfort of each of their ranges.


Like Nowhere Else


I’m Not A Plastic Bag